A Good Idea.

Public Wireless, LLC., was founded, created, and is currently managed by a couple of long-time, telecommunication professionals who have been in the "Connecting People Together Business" since the Telecommunications Deregulations Act of 1996.
Although Chris Watson and Cory Wood might have begun in the phone, local & long distance, and the now, distant phone industries, Wood and Watson changed and evolved over the decades, too.
ENTER: Public Wireless. A Good Idea.
Public Wireless, LLC., is a modern-day, broadband, device, and technology company whose sole focus is to provide subsidized products and connectivity to all qualified residents who are currently receiving government benefits.
Thanks to new government legislation, the development of the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) and it's evolving into The Affordable Connectivity Program (APC) overseen by the FCC, Public Wireless is now offering devices, broadband services, and internet connectivity to every qualified resident.
Public Wireless is a licensed broadband technology company available to offer government programs under the ACP within select states in 2022. Public Wireless will be growing and offering benefits to all states and counties in early 2023.
At Public Wireless, we are committed to delivering accessible premium wireless service and devices that allow anyone to stay connected with friends and family around the world.